Category: fatties

The war on the war on fast food

LA goes after fast food: The City Council voted unanimously Tuesday to place a moratorium on new fast food restaurants in an impoverished swath of the city with a proliferation of such eateries and above-average rates of obesity. The yearlong moratorium — which the mayor still must sign into law — is intended to give…

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The Subway Diet meets its end

Glenn Beck is a fear monger, but he knows how to communicate – to a certain crowd, of course. Considering the average amount of gas used per household, the rise has cost us approximately $1,690. With the average 42-inch plasma screen going for $975, just the extra cash you’ve forked over for gas in the…

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Graduation and the fat man

It’s a beautiful Sunday in Lawrence, Kansas. You’re a proud mom – your little girl is graduating from KU today. Your husband and your 14-year-old daughter are along for the festivities. Days don’t get much better than this. It’s eleven o’clock, the sky is blue, the temperature is 70. Downtown Lawrence was made for days…

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Subway Jared needs to go away immediately

Subway Jared has been packing on the pounds.  Check out this profile shot from his ridiculous appearance on CBS’ NFL Today. Obviously this ad campaign is working, otherwise Subway wouldn’t parade him all over TV. Why, despite Jared’s reoccurring girth, do people still look to him for inspiration?  How many people could possibly look at…

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The latest in "shocking" news

Fat kids could stay fat and have bad hearts when they get old. Luckily, ABC News has created a graphic for those literate enough to get to a news site, but not literate enough to read a story based on common sense. Check out this brilliant quote from a pediatrics professor: “Children who have been…

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Charity eating

Thanksgiving dinner is hours away, and I can only hope that I’m not too late in posting this warning. At Thanksgiving, you will eat something you wouldn’t otherwise ever eat. If it’s a potluck occasion, you’re doubly screwed. You see, there’s always one frightening dish at every Thanksgiving dinner. And, you’ll have to eat it.…

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Hardee’s still exists

Big news: Hardee’s is still in business. Every couple of years, Hardee’s introduces a filthy food item to generate some press coverage and remind the world (or the part of the world that isn’t Carl’s Jr.) that they still exist. Hardee’s on Monday rolled out its new Country Breakfast Burrito — two egg omelets filled…

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