Still attractive?
I got my hands on some pregnant Britney pictures for your pleasure. In a bikini. Wow.

Okay, so is that grapefruit juice or a screwdriver, heavy on the vodka? And doesn't it look like she has a little happy trail down the length of her stomach?

There's something about a pregnant woman in a bikini using her hands to describe the length of something. Hmmmm.
Oh my god, i cant belive that she has a happy trail that is like a man and think that i used to think she was pretty, now that she is pregnant she has to drink vadka so her baby comes out messed up
Pregnant women are supposed to have this beauty about them but apparently it has missed Britney. And what is up with that happy trail...
What? Yall are crazy. She looks better than ever. Theres something about a woman with a little meat on her bones that drives me crazy. Makes me wanna say hit me baby one more time. Those twiggy stick figure chicks like that Gwen Steffani and Christina Agulera chick, they need to go out and get themselves a man with his stuff together (like Kevin) and get knocked up. Anyhow, Brittney has never looked better. I think more women should know thier place, makin babies. Sincerely Ted Mckowski. Lindsborg. We wake up next to stooks every day here.
shows how much boys know..pregnant women are supposed to have a 'trail' as you call it. its a normal discoloration of skin pigment. silly boys
ok, this is herington skateboarder maybe me and anonymous#1 over exagarated a little bit on the happy "trail" yes as anonymous # 2 said it shows how much guys now about being pregnant and as ted said also i guees i also belive that some of the singers need to find them selvs a man and "get knocked up" as you put it
To quote Ted McKowski "they need to go out and get themselves a man with his stuff together (like Kevin) and get knocked up."
Yeah Kevin TOTALLY has his stuff together. That's why he left his last girlfriend while she was pregnant! Wow, I can't wait for the day when I meet a man who will knock me up and leave me. /sarcasm
I wouldn't take anything Ted says too seriously. Although I'm glad that he proudly wakes up next to me every morning.
Thanks to anonymous as well, for setting us straight on this. "Silly boys" is right.
I have always wonder what stooks would look like in a bikini...a thong bikini.
Probably hot because he looked hot at the KAB fair.
Probably hot because he looked hot at the KAB fair.
hey matt, since i have posted some comments on ur pimp sight can u give me a shout out on the radio next stooks in the morning? if u can it is out to jeff collins thanks if u can
Do you ever post anything funny on this site?
I have three responses for you. Pick the one you like most.
The question was "Do you ever post anything funny on this site?"
Here are my answers:
1. Only your brilliant comments
2. No. Why would I want to do that?
3. Of course not. Have you ever listened to the show?
Take your pick.
Ill take all three stooksy
That's Britney allright, though those screwdrivers could cause her to have a miscarriage.
The following content can be found by clicking on this TinyURL link:
Alcoholic beverages are not healthy for the fetus or the mother-to-be. Alcohol can cross the placenta and in the case of heavy drinking can cause fetal alcohol syndrome, a combination of irreversible birth abnormalities. Fetal alcohol syndrome has been reported in babies of women who drank 2 mixed drinks or 2 to 3 bottles of beer or glasses of wine a day. Lesser degrees of alcohol abuse can result in less severe birth defects (fetal alcohol effect). No safe level of alcohol consumption has been determined.
'Nuff said?
I just want to say I have fallen maddly in love with Ted Mckowski, I listened to him call in to the show a couple times and he makes me laugh, cry, and want his as i can immagine big hairy chest. He sounds like a real winner. I like a man who knows what he wants.
I would like to comment on how i saw justin carson at Rusty's Last chance the other night, he was hammered, he was drooling all over the place, he also looked like he pissed himself, and don't get me started about the smell! Man Justin, I hope you took a shower after a night like that. Did you really think I was gonna go home with you that night?!
Why does everyone drink the hateraide on Carson?
Carson's got the biggest balls of them all.
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