A brilliant idea
ABC is developing America's Next Muppet.
It will be American Idol and America's Next Top Model combined...but ten times better.
I don't really need to argue with anyone on why The Muppets need to come back to TV.
But I do want to argue for my muppet idea: Kermit's older, alcoholic, politically conscious half-brother, Steve (couldn't think of a funny take on what Kermit's half-brother's name might be, so I went as far away as it possibly could be), played by none other than Chris Matthews of TV's Hardball.
Just listen to his voice and tell me that's not Kermit's older half-bro, alchy, poli-sci guy.
It will be American Idol and America's Next Top Model combined...but ten times better.

I don't really need to argue with anyone on why The Muppets need to come back to TV.
But I do want to argue for my muppet idea: Kermit's older, alcoholic, politically conscious half-brother, Steve (couldn't think of a funny take on what Kermit's half-brother's name might be, so I went as far away as it possibly could be), played by none other than Chris Matthews of TV's Hardball.

Kevin think an-ee-mal crazy!
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