Cruise feasts on...

In an unbelievable Stooks Scoop,
we find out about a new Michael Jackson molestation fan, and we find out "What's Tom Cruise going to feast on after Katie Holmes craps out a kid?"

If only Spielberg could harvest children...

With Cheney coming to town, the Iraqi Woman wanted to score tickets. And we scored an interview with Darth Cheney ourselves! An old man has plans for Cheney's visit as well.

If you've still got your Bush-Cheney bumper sticker, shame on you. But at least you don't have the "Bitch Inside" bumper sticker. One of our callers helped us figure out why someone would have a bumper sticker like that.

Today's Daily Quote of the Day for Today: "He was like 17 at the time. That's way out of Michael Jackson's range. 'No way. Get outta here.' That's what the judge said. 'That's not in Michael Jackson's molestation range.'" - Stooks, in response to a story about a guy who said MJ molested him when he was 17.
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At 10:33 AM, April 18, 2006, The Prewitt said...

If you don't mind I want to use the bitch bit too and give more of the discussion?

At 11:45 AM, April 18, 2006, Matt Stooks said...

I don't were there. See it soon at


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