Some thoughts

The President's address tonight better not mess up "24."

The eyebrow is second only to the nose itch in awkward public itching. Yup, even above the crotch.

Tetris makes my eye burn more than any other video game. Not both eyes, just the left one.

I want to get a massage, but I've never had a professional one before. I just don't want to make a fool out of myself during my first time. Are you allowed to pant and drool?

Cox Communications is running ads and sending out mail encouraging people to stay inside and watch TV. Where's the uproar? I think I'll try to start some.

I'm starting a lobbying group to get Sam Donaldson on TV more.

His eyes and toupee demand the truth.

I haven't seen anyone perform a somersault in a long time. What happened? The piggyback ride is still going strong.
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