Free for All Friday

I've been up since 11 last night, so rather than put too much thought into the show, we turned it over to our listeners for a rare "Free for all Friday" edition of the show.

It's all pretty frightening.

Segment 1 includes a guy with an interesting stat on vending machines.

Segment 2 includes a guy who has a great Indian (dot) impersonation. At least, we think it's an impersonation.

Segment 3 includes a woman commenting on yesterday's unicorn caller. Check out me being clever at the end.

"Stop it Bacon! You're searing my manhood!"

I brought my snowglobe collection in today. I didn't know it would turn into such a disaster.

Enjoy Father's Day. I'll be hitting up Lawrence a bit this weekend and then it's KC for Father's Day.

Oops, almost forgot.

Hansel has some thoughts on Father's Day.

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