Stooksoscope for Tuesday


Genuine satisfaction is the result of profound self-knowledge, dim lighting and “C” batteries.


You're fine-tuning your living space. All these home improvements lead to some happy unexpected changes in other parts of your life too. Although, people at work know what you’re up to with that new hot tub, and your rumored rendezvous with Tia the office maid has them questioning the PH balance of the tub.


Transformation doesn't necessarily have to be a difficult process. Be open to messages and signs from the universe about what you need to change. Or consult the marks in your underwear.


Keep your personal life free and clear from unnecessary entanglements, especially those of the business kind. Wrestling with Sol the intern in the break room without a referee won’t be good for either of your futures.

Stooks Proverb: One man’s meat is another man’s poison…with some exceptions… especially in San Francisco.

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