Stooks Scoop

Osama's former sex slave showed up on MSNBC today.

Here's a quick, creepy soundbyte.

I knew this was coming: the real reasons Tom Cruise isn't with Paramount anymore. Mostly, it's the fact that he made 20% of each film's gross that cost him. But still, bonus points for being creepy.

Survivor's latest gimmick? Dividing the teams by race. Black, White, Latino, and people who can stand Jeff Probst. In all seriousness, this is a really crappy way to get publicity.

Were there two Snakes in a Theater at a showing of Snakes on a Plane? A theater in Phoenix says it had two rattlesnakes. My BS meter says "BS" (what else?).

Superman star Brandon Routh is engaged. Anybody else think he won't be in any other movies besides Superman sequels? I knew I wanted Nicholas Cage in that movie for a reason.

A new Adam Sandler movie is getting a pretty good cast. Dan Aykroyd and Steve Buscemi (try spelling those names five times fast) will help make I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry one of the ugliest movies ever. Interesting premise, though. It's about two firefighters who pretend to be gay to get their departments domestic-partner benefits.

Katharine McPhee, who I didn't know was a bulemic for five years, says she isn't counting calories on the current American Idol tour. I wouldn't either if I was picking corn out of the wrong side of my teeth.

Chris always criticizes me for using material from The Enquirer. But a legitimate news source is now naming the four cast members who will leave SNL: Horatio Sanz, Chris Parnell, Kenan Thompson, with lesser for-suredness on Darrell Hammond. Congratulations to KC native Jason Sudeikis, who's rumored to take over Weekend Update.

Here's an interesting article that finds Venezuela is to Britney Spears what Germany is to David Hasselhoff: a place where people who've thrown their careers away can still make money.

Speaking of Brit & Co...her dad was seen dressing a la Federline.

Even more Brit news: Justin Timberlake's mom still thinks she's a good girl.

Paris Hilton, who's sworn off sex for a year, has a guy living with her. It's actually the guy who called Lindsay Lohan a "firecrotch" before he himself went into rehab. At least Paris isn't changing her standards.
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