Paris on Larry King

(4:39) Scoop podcast

Paris Hilton sat down with Larry King last night, and came off quite nicely. Larry King, on the other hand, came off quite creepy old manish.

Paris has landed herself on the cover of People magazine. It was a tossup between her and Rosie, so they went with the choice that would fit the cover.

Even though she's toned down her look a little, it looks like Paris plans to remain a makeup face. You never know if her next video will have better lighting.

Us Weekly is going "Paris-free" in anticipation of Paris fatigue.

Paula Abdul is kind of a bitch, especially when it comes to sweat pants. Someone didn't take their painkillers.

Lindsay Lohan's dad is trying to get visitation rights for his kids, so he sent out a press release, saying "Lyndsay, Michael, Ali and Cody need stability and both of their parents in their lives. I am anxious to spend time with them and end this cruel, needless separation." Problem is, he misspelled Lindsay's name. That's OK, she has the same problem.

For more, minus the commentary, check out the Stooks Entertainment Feed.

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