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Credit or debit?

Anyone else sick of hearing this question yet?

"But they have to ask it, because if they choose credit when you have a debit card it shows up differently and..." bologna. That word doesn't come out very well in print. Baloney. There, that's better.

Debit cards are for preschoolers.

"I can't be responsible enough to pay a bill each month, this way it deducts from my checking account."

Either way, I understand why people have debit cards. They are easier, especially for people with no self control. And I definitely don't want more people writing checks, or cheques as snobby bank people would write it.

But do retailers and McDonald's really need to ask you that every time you use a card?

Look at the card. It's pretty easy to figure out. Or just scan the thing and let whatever happens, happen.

You want to know what I'm going to say to the next person who asks me "credit or debit?"


this is Jess..I work at a gas station, and we're not set up to take one or the other when it comes to credit/debit cards....It all goes through the system as a credit....and I'm sick and tired of people being snobby b/c of it...what does it matter as long as it goes through and works...so what if you have to sign your name, and not use a PIN.....Have we gotten so lazy that signing our name is such a chore???

Well Jess, the reason it matters whether i use my pin number or not is quite important to me. If i have to push my pin number in, then my bank treats the transaction like i am using a foreign ATM, and I am charged a fee by my bank for that. I agree this is annoying, but one of those things that we have to put up with.

Then why would anyone ever say debit? This is what I'm talking about.

If you bank with commerce and use use their debit card you should always say credit the "skip the pin sign and win" promotion gives away like a million bucks or something by useing your debit card as a credit card.-Chris

What if somebody didn't have arms to sign with? Or maybe they got their fingers part of the way cut off. They would be forced to say debit and punch in thier PIN with thier nubs. What's your answer to this one Borb?

Wolf Buddy:

People with no arms have no business in public, it gives the rest of us the heebie-jeebies.

But seriously, anyone without arms quickly learns how to use their feet to manipulate a pen and other cylindrical objects.

What if they have no legs? Then they use their mouth to sign.

Nice try. Problem solved.

It's Jess......It's really cool that such a simple topic can be such a debate........I love this type of thing!!! It's great to be able to speak what you want, and hear others as well!!!

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