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What is that chilling sensation?

I'm not a big fan of having to use the public restroom after a case of too many hot wings, but it happens.

I don't know if anything in life scares me more than making accidental contact with the porcelain at a public toilet.

Yes, that kind of contact.

I don't know if my technique is messed up or what, but this happens far too much for my liking.

It's time to stand up to the toilet manufacturers of the world and say, "The fronts of toilets are far too shallow, and I won't take one more day of being paranoid that I just caught a venereal disease in a public restroom."

1 comment

Public restrooms are very scary. Because of this, I try very hard to clean the bathroom frequently and thouroughly many times during my shift at the gas station I work at....It makes me feel more at ease that it's clean, and no one will catch anything from our bathroom because of it!! It gives me a least a bit of peace of mind!!! Our store gets compliments all the time about how clean the restrooms are, and I hold those compliments in very high regards!--Jess

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