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The American Idol Drinking Game

In celebration of Paula Abdul being inebriated on American Idol, here's a fun new drinking game for the show.

I came across a drinking game for the show already, but it was a piece of garbage like "every time one of the contestants is a female, drink."

So here's one that makes you pay attention and will get you Paula'd in no time.

1. Every time Seacrest says "America"
2. Every time Randy Jackson says "It was alright for me" or "it was okay for me."
3. Every time Simon says "It reminded me of..." or "karaoke."
4. If Simon isn't wearing a black shirt, chug your drink.
5. Every time Paula claps or stands up during a song
6. Every time a contestant reaches one or more arms toward the camera
7. Every time a contestant enters the crowd while singing
8. Every time you see the contestant's family
9. Every time Paula actually has something negative to say about a contestant
10. Every time Simon has something positive to say
11. Every time Seacrest makes physical contact with Simon or one of the male contestants (it actually happens more times than you might think).
12. Every time Seacrest says "after the break."
13. At the end of the show, finish your drink with "Seacrest out!" (thanks to Dustin for this great finish to the game).

Am I missing any?

HOw about, everytime Simon says "competition" take a drink

How about everytime Randy says "Dawg" or "Dude" take a drink.

Everytime Paula says "I'm so proud of you" take a drink.

Everytime Paula kisses, gropes, molests or fondles Simon take a drink.

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