The Peanut Butter Situation
First off, the solution to the crunchy vs. creamy peanut butter debate.
"Ohhhhh. Mister Peanut. Was it good for you?"
Here's a call from a dude, which gives us an interesting use of the phrase "Marky Mark's Funky Bunch."
Sweedish Schoolboy Hansel has the Bird Flu and a lady wants Orlando Bloom.
I beg you to listen to a series of three clips from the High Lady...all from today's show.
1. The High Lady disregards our topic to tell me how great we are.
2. The High Lady does a singing telegram to make up for a lame one we got earlier.
3. The High Lady says her friend thinks we should play more music, leading the High Lady to drop the phrase "pop a squat." You'll only hear this clip at too racy and odd for even this show.
Is that peanutbutter real? How does it work? My kids would go "nuts"
Posted by Bill Hawken | 9:32 AM, March 30, 2006
Yeah I don't understand what it was about? I think I heard that on the radio but missed the begining and was unsure what it was about.
Posted by Kimberly Baker | 9:33 AM, March 30, 2006