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The Peanut Butter Situation

We're taking a couple of shows off. We will return Tuesday, April 4th. Until then, we'll be in clip show or "Least Worst of Stooks in the Morning" mode. And we have hella clips for you to enjoy from todays show.

First off, the solution to the crunchy vs. creamy peanut butter debate.

"Ohhhhh. Mister Peanut. Was it good for you?"

Here's a call from a dude, which gives us an interesting use of the phrase "Marky Mark's Funky Bunch."

Sweedish Schoolboy Hansel has the Bird Flu and a lady wants Orlando Bloom.

I beg you to listen to a series of three clips from the High Lady...all from today's show.

1. The High Lady disregards our topic to tell me how great we are.

2. The High Lady does a singing telegram to make up for a lame one we got earlier.

3. The High Lady says her friend thinks we should play more music, leading the High Lady to drop the phrase "pop a squat." You'll only hear this clip at mattstooks.com...far too racy and odd for even this show.

Is that peanutbutter real? How does it work? My kids would go "nuts"

Yeah I don't understand what it was about? I think I heard that on the radio but missed the begining and was unsure what it was about.

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