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Midgets, Jesus Togas and MySpace Forwards

We do a segment on the show every day called "The Stooksoscope." It's like a horoscope, but with my name inserted and some of the stars advice slightly altered.

Here's today's for Taurus:

The fear is far more intimidating than the task itself. Tackle this job, and you'll find that it's easier than you would've believed. In fact, you'll realize that your imagination made it far worse than the reality, unfortunately your imagination also conjured up images of midget clowns petting ponies.

It seems like every radio show feels the need to mention midgets, so we really didn't have a midget chat planned. But we couldn't keep the calls from pouring in.

Would a George Clooney midget still get the ladies? That's this guy's question.

We got two calls on this that we didn't get to put on the air. The funny thing is both calls mention Bridget the Midget.

The first caller brought up Donkey Shows. I'm still not really sure what a Donkey Show is, but i'm sure it's filthy.

The second caller told us about a friend who owes money to Bridget the Midget.

Nothing says "sexy" like a tatooed midget with Marilyn Monroe's defrosted head attached

We started talking about how annoying some "Bulletins" are on MySpace. Think mid-90's quality Email forwards. The Iraqi woman called in to counter our claims.

The Da Vinci Code comes out this Friday. One guy told us about his plans for a "Da Vinci Code Party," complete with "Jesus Togas."

Thanks to groundbreaking Stooks technology, we found a hidden message in last night's American Idol.

A black and white Clay Aiken drawing:
The only thing gayer than Aiken himself

i saw a movie with bridget the midget just two weeks ago. it came for free with the bridget the midget blow up doll. i still have not decided whether it was funny or disturbing.


I mention your Bridget the Midget story in one of the bits.

Pass some more humble pie my way please . . . I hate not being able to listen to sound clips at work.

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