Margaritas in 45 minutes
Had some recording problems this morning, so you'll have to wait for Wheezie the Clown to re-appear on the show at a later date.
Hansel's dad is having computer problems.
Chris and I played tennis yesterday. I had to run across the court and reach for a shot. I two-handed it and launched it over the fence. It landed near a couple that felt the need to picnic way too close to the tennis courts. Needless to stay, I got a stare-down just for landing it near them.
Although, this guy's story doesn't really qualify.
Hansel's dad is having computer problems.
Chris and I played tennis yesterday. I had to run across the court and reach for a shot. I two-handed it and launched it over the fence. It landed near a couple that felt the need to picnic way too close to the tennis courts. Needless to stay, I got a stare-down just for landing it near them.
Although, this guy's story doesn't really qualify.