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Stooksoscope for Monday


You pursue this current goal full-throttle, determined to reach success. This tenacious attitude gets you what you want, and then some, whether it's a promotion at work or a new and vivacious social life. Just don’t go around telling people “my social life is so vivacious these days!” That’ll probably paint an unpleasant picture.


Your boss isn't questioning you because they doubt your ability -- on the contrary, they're amazed at what you've been able to accomplish! Give them some insight -- but not the whole enchilada…otherwise they’ll blame you for giving them the trots.


Anything good gets even better right now if you're willing to throw the full weight of your efforts and influence behind it. It's a wonderful moment to work overtime, volunteer or do someone a favor and finally remove that giant chunk of tarter between your two front teeth.


The stars throw a few potholes and pitfalls in your way. Revving your engines is a waste of time, especially with the competition: a five-year-old girl on a bike, complete with pink basket.

Stooks Proverb: Old habits die hard. And when they include Whitney Houston, they die even harder.

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