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Stooksoscope for Wednesday


Expand your awareness and you'll find that your life is enriched with a much-needed adventure. A surprising opportunity awaits you, but you have to be willing to see it to take advantage of it fully. Damn you Magic Eye.


Be a daredevil when it comes to matters of the heart. Wink at that cutie on the bus. Strike up a conversation with that certain someone over your morning cup of coffee. Punch some ugly scuz in the face and steal their significant other.


Think of all this recent drama as grist for your creative mill. Haven't you been dying to restart work on that novel, song or dance number? Go for it. Just don’t rip off Stephen Hawking again.


In order to be successful, you have to listen to your dreams. Stop being a critic. Instead, be an artist, an innovator and a pioneer. Believe in yourself wholeheartedly, and your life will improve in astounding ways. Loser.

Stooks Proverb: When the cat’s away, the mice will play. When the Mangino’s away, the refrigerator breathes a sigh of relief. So do the neighbor’s kittens.

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