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The Enquirer says Zach Braff asked Jessica Simpson to help reunite him with Mandy Moore. Unfortunately JESSICA SIMPSON HAS LOST HER ABILITY TO SPEAK!!!

Jessica Simpson's dating John Mayer. It looks legit. Check out how vampire-like John Mayer looked on The Today Show last week.

Sorry, ladies. Springsteen is not separating from his wife of 15 years. But, if you take one step to the left, Tom Arnold is separating from his third wife. At least he's famous, right?

Wow, here's something from The Enquirer that you wouldn't want to read about yourself first thing in the morning: Katie Holmes has been plagued with cold sores, which are caused by the herpes virus, since childhood. Stress can bring on an outbreak of the unsightly blisters.

OUCH! William H. Macy Slam! He's in a movie called Bobby. Lindsay Lohan is in it, too. I guess she has a problem showing up to shooting on time.

"There is not an apology big enough in the world to make 150 people scramble. It's inexcusable. It's nothing but disrespect. And Lindsay Lohan is not the only one. A lot of actors show up late as if they're Gods gift to the film and is inexcusable. They should have their asses kicked."

"My wife's down there with an ass in her..."

Meredith Vieira is clarifying her statement about The View being a joke. She meant The View was becoming a joke in the media. Damn, Meredith just lost some hot points.

It's a miracle!!! Sunday night, Manilow said he was going to take his newly won Emmy into the operating room the next day for hip surgery. He did. He's still alive!!! The Emmy has saved Manilow!!!

count john mayer doesn't only lack a soul, he also lacks any sort of talent . . . i hate that guy.

That's not very nice.

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