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Stooks Scoop

Mel Gibson pleaded "No Contest" to his DUI case. He'll be on probation for three years, go to a drug/alcohol education thing, and community service teaching teens how to take a mug shot photo.

"Freedom!!!!! From horrifying mug shots."

Owen Wilson and Kate Hudson might be dating. Boring

Beyonce went on a maple syrup diet to lose weight. Her and Aunt Jemima have to be my favorite idea of a hot, lesbian couple.

Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock got married for the third time Thursday morning, this time in Nashville. They are probably having sex right now.

Ricky Martin is about to be named the Latin Recording Academy's "Person of the Year." His humanitarian work helped land him the award. He must've done some volunteer work at a soup kitchen serving soup...to himself.

It looks like J Lo and her ex won't have to go to court over a book he wanted to write.

Justin Timberlake news all over the place today...

First, he says, his song "What goes around comes around" is not about Britney. He doesn't have any ill feelings toward her now that she's married to trash and has somehow become even trashier than her husband.

Second, check out what he said about Taylor Hicks.

"People think he looks so normal, and he's so sweet and he's so earnest, but he can't carry a tune in a bucket...If [Hicks] has any skeletons whatsoever, if God forbid, he's gay, and if all these people in Mississippi who voted for him are like [then JT takes on a thick southern accent], 'Oh my god, I voted for a queer!' It's just too much pressure."

Hours later, his publicist said his words were taken out of context...

“He has tremendous affection for Taylor Hicks’ success,” his publicist told The Associated Press on Thursday. “He would never say anything that personal about somebody he’s never met. He only wishes him the best.”

"And an awkward wave to you too, Mr. Timberlake."

Oh the things I'd do to you JT.

How drunk do you think Pam Anderson is in that picture where she's wearing the sailor hat?

Very drunk.

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