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Stooksoscope for Wednesday


Education takes you even further than you thought it would. So the topic is unusual -- after all, if you want to learn about ant farming practices, why shouldn't you? It could come in handy in an unexpected manner: making your boss do the “ants in my pants” dance.


Giving back to the Earth is a good thing. Tell that to the police the next time they question you as you pop a squat in the woods.


A need for solitude gets turned up a notch. Just make sure you let the people in your life know that this is a temporary thing. If they know you well, they should be used to your pension for sitting in the closet surrounded by your My Little Pony collection.


A barrage of self-criticism takes you off guard. Who is this inner critic, and why on earth is he speaking so loudly right now? It seems you’ve been possessed by the soul of Gene Siskel again.

Stooks Proverb: Dog does not eat dog. Unless it crashes in the mountains and some greedy person already ate all the chocolate.


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