Holiday shopping
If you hadn't heard, The George Michael Sports Machine, in all of its crappy graphics glory, is going off the air.
Luckily, they're replacing it with The Helen Keller Sports Machine (0:59).

"Canceled?! But we just got our new Atari graphics system!"
"Canceled?! But we just got our new Atari graphics system!"
The holiday shopping season started a little early this year with people shooting each other over the PS3 and acting slightly less violent over the Nintendo Wii.
We had a little discussion on how holiday shopping turns ordinary people into the pinnacle of evil.
Segment 1 (1:58)
Segment 2 (2:56)
Segment 3 (1:03)
With Thanksgiving coming up this Thursday, one of our listeners wants to provide a public service announcement.
Hear all about the benefits of cranberries and cranberry sauce (3:29).
We had a little discussion on how holiday shopping turns ordinary people into the pinnacle of evil.
Segment 1 (1:58)
Segment 2 (2:56)
Segment 3 (1:03)
With Thanksgiving coming up this Thursday, one of our listeners wants to provide a public service announcement.
Hear all about the benefits of cranberries and cranberry sauce (3:29).
Labels: show clips
Let's hope no deaf people where listening to todays show, otherwise you might get another complaint on that Hellen Keller bit.
Posted by Photoshop Adam | 5:14 PM, November 20, 2006