"You Decide" Tuesday
In a blatant ripoff of our Free For all Friday feature, we did "You Decide" Tuesday, so our listeners could decide if they cared to talk about politics or something completely irrelevant.
Guns and pancakes (2:51)
Morrison stash (3:16)

Morrison facial hair: a threat to global warming.
Guns and pancakes (2:51)
Morrison stash (3:16)
Morrison facial hair: a threat to global warming.
A Poem to Paul Morrison's Moustache
How hairy is the upper lip,
How smooth the chin and head,
It makes the ladies want to flip,
themselves into Pauly's bed.
Stossel burns with jealous rage,
But it's useless now to bash,
Respect, all those of voting age,
The power of the law man's 'stache.
Posted by DB | 10:02 PM, November 07, 2006