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Britney Spears acknowledges that everyone saw her vagina. "I probably did take my new found freedom too far...Every move I make at this point has been magnified more than I expected...Thank God for Victoria's Secrets' new underwear line!" No mention of thanking God for her less-than-inviting cooter.

Lindsay Lohan is insane. From an email she sent to her friends: "Al Gore will help me. He came up to me last night and said he would be very happy to have a conversation with me." She also mentioned getting help from the Clintons. Here's more: "I have such an impact on our younger generations, as well as generations older than me. Which we all know and can obviously see." Al Gore's reps make it look like he won't be helping her, by the way.

It looks like Oprah got a nonvitation to Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes post-wedding celebration this Saturday.

Kevin Federline went to the launch party for "The Concise Guide to Sounding Smart at Parties," and was even seen hitting up the authors for additional tips. I'm hoping the "concise" guide has some kind of pictorial aid for K-Fed.

Scary Spice says Eddie Murphy is indeed the baby daddy.

Want to be like Madonna, but don't have the time or money to steal a child from Malawi? Don't worry, she's got a new clothing line coming out in March.

For a $10 thousand check made out to Jessica Simpson's dad, you can get Jessica to read silently from your magazine in the movie Blonde Ambition.

God dammit: "Lost" is moving an hour later when it comes back, to avoid going head-to-head American Idol.

Sylvester Stallone wants to do a movie about Edgar Allen Poe someday.


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