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Britney's going to burlesque clubs, by the way. Here's an incident from the weekend: Britney, while smoking, got on stage, "gyrated for the crowd," and showed off her bra. The club owner asked her to move out of the way. Then, she started drinking again.

Paris Hilton is taking acting lessons in preparation for her role in "The Hottie and the Nottie." Thank God.

Maybe it wasn't the drinking: To avoid photographers, Lohan was driving while ducking under the wheel or covering her face.

Miss USA didn't get demoted, but she did get sent to rehab.

Michael Jackson is in talks to sell The Neverland Ranch through the Bravo show "Million Dollar Listing: Hollywood." Michael used to have a much darker look about his skin.

Oprah's in talks to get Naomi Campbell on her show. Is she trying to get Gayle King killed? Maybe Stedman?

Larry King won't have a replacement when he retires. I guess the name "Larry King Live" might get a little creepy when Larry's not on the show, or perhaps, dies.

The story about one of the supporting actors from Prison Break getting in a car accident that killed a 17-year-old passenger has been a little bit neglected. Blood alcohol tests are still pending. How is that possible? I'm assuming he refused a breathalyser. But still? How long does that take?

Lara Flynn Boyle got married. Then, she got broken in two during consummation.

Speaking of frightening mental images, Kim Cattrall says there will be a Sex and the City movie.

I find this shocking: NCIS was the number one show on TV last week.


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