Old people do the darndest things

Monday, January 30, 2006

The Pops of Pudding is almost at that age.

The Prewitt and I went to breakfast at Chubby's in KC the other day.

There was an old woman sitting next to us.

She had three empty packs of smokes, each one stuffed with cigarette lighters.

She used her cane to try to retrieve a penny off the floor. The Prewitt and I made eye contact with each other, as if to say "You help her."

She was eating some oatmeal concoction that looked like a cat had popped a squat over it.

Yup, that was one crazy woman.

But, she doesn't beat the old, possibly German woman who called our show today.

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The call of the Wolfy

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Last night, there was a wretched contestant on American Idol named "Wolfy," "because I love wolves, and all my friends know me as Wolfy, and I love wolves."

And amazingly, we had a Stooks in the Morning "stooksclusive" interview with Wolfy on our show.

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The American Idol Demon

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I couldn't find the complete freak who was on American Idol last night, so I figured the Tina Yothers picture would do the job.

So, we were making fun of this girl from AI, and then she magically called into the show.

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The Iraqi Woman

There was a lady from Iraq who spoke to President Bush the other day in Manhattan.

So we decided to make fun of her, as "The Iraqi Lady" called into the show.

If you'd like to hear the original Iraqi Lady, so you can tell just how horrible our impersonations are, here it is.

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The High Lady and President Bush

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

President Bush came to Manhattan yesterday so that everyone would constantly applaud everything he said.

We were talking about it again this morning. The High Lady, even though she wouldn't mind bedding the President, would rather talk football.

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Worst bit ever?

Friday, January 20, 2006

In 25 seconds time, we created one of the oddest skits of all time on the show.

Feel free to comment on the emotions you're feeling after hearing it.

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Liquor liaison

Thursday, January 19, 2006

I met the most entertaining middle-aged woman ever today.

I wish I would've gotten her name, but it was at 12:30 at the Handy's Liquor Store (tee hee...Handys...).

I say "Hey, how's it going?"

My new friend says "It's Thursday!"

And then we get into an in-depth conversation about how Thursday is actually better than Friday because of the anticipation of Friday. Whereas Friday itself is never as good as you thought it would be. Kindof like the Mortal Kombat movies.

Unfortunately, I didn't think of the Mortal Kombat comparison at the time. But I'd guess a Shaft remake reference would've been more up her alley anyway.

Then, I say "I'm looking for vodka."

She points me in the general direction of the vodka.

Feeling that she might be disappointed with me, I say "I don't think you'll be impressed with my taste in vodka," as I retrieve a half gallon bottle of Viaka.

Then, she capped off the best liquor store experience of all time.

"I don't buy the expensive, either. As long as you're mixing it with something, who cares?"

I resisted the urge to hop the counter and ravage her right then and there. It took every fiber of my being to resist the temptation.

I paid my $10, and she bid me farewell.

"Have a nice weekend," said the lovely liquor lady.

"And you enjoy the rest of this Thursday," I said, fighting away the tears, as I walked out of her life...forever. Or until I want to get drunk in the afternoon again.

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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Yesterday, some guy came into the laundromat, opened up a dryer, and inspected a pair of panties, a la the above photo.

He leaves.

Then the panties' true owner arrives.

I didn't tell her anything. And here's why:

"Excuse me miss, but some creep was in here inspecting your panties." Then, she proceeds to burn all of her clothing and never go to the laundromat again.

Or, I don't tell her and she's not psychologically damaged for life.

Here's our discussion from this morning.

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Green tea wisdom

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Have you ever read the side of one of these Celestial Seasonings boxes?

They have all kinds of wisdom.

And if drinking the tea and following the advice turns me as cool as the badass on the front of the box, I'm all for it.

In celebration of the fine reading available on tea boxes everywhere, Stooks in the Morning presents "Reading the side of a Honey Lemon Ginseng Green Tea box in an annoying voice."

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Happy birthday

Friday, January 13, 2006

We get lots of calls for "can you say my friend's name on the air for their birthday?" And it always comes off sounding awkward if we try to do it.

To help put an end to this activity, Stooks in the Morning presents the Angry Old Lady's Birthday Wish.

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Spacing out

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I shave in the shower. This morning, I had already done the hair thing, the face wash thing, and the sudsing of my unmentionables, so I was ready for my shave.

Then, I proceeded to apply shaving cream to my entire face.

I drove to work, then wondered how I got here when I showed up.

No, I'm not under the influence of Charles in Charge.

"But Charles! Those blond siamese twin waitresses are waiting for us!"
-Buddy Limbeck, if I wrote "Charles in Charge."

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Staring Contest

Friday, January 06, 2006

How awkward is it when you catch someone staring at you? Not as awkward as you getting caught doing the same thing.

I always try to play it off like I'm taking a general overview of the room, maybe searching for catsup. Yeah, that's right. The "ketchup" spelling is for losers.

We got some good responses this morning on the air, including an old man sneaking a peek in the restroom, and another appearance from the high lady.

Then, a little later, another woman calls in. And in the background, you can hear the high lady talking. The high lady snatches the phone away from the other woman and takes over the story. I don't think I've ever laughed harder.

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