Dating eval
Yesterday, we briefly touched on creating some kind of evaluation to use on a first date to figure out whether you're talking to a psycho. Today, we figured out some of it.
Segment 1 - Cutting up puppies (5:42)
Segment 2 - References (4:05)
Segment 3 - The Man Show? (2:56)
Segment 4 - From a guy's point of view (1:33)
Segment 5 - The High Lady (3:16)
Segment 6 - Cat killers (1:27)
Yesterday, I mentioned a tipped over port-a-potty across from Silverado's in Aggieville.
Today, we talked to our co-worker who happened to experience the tip over from inside the john (3:33).
"Did Louie Anderson light a match in there again?"
Labels: high lady, show clips
that's funny, because i always thought silverados smelled like a tipped over port-a-potty.
Posted by kevin | 2:21 PM, January 03, 2007