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Britney hit up a hamburger joint in West Hollywood for some nachos. She thanked the cooks and even offered to "work in your kitchen one night," without even asking about the pay.

It looks like Lohan is in for a full 30-day rehab.

The guy who called Lohan a firecrotch played a key role in getting her into treatment.

Paris Hilton's taking her acting career seriously. She hasn't been partying, while filming 10 hours a day for "The Hottie and the Nottie." Even her crotch scabs are starting to heal over.

Both Simpson sisters are on Donald's good side. Photographers spotted them at the launch party for Trump Vodka. Rosie will never forgive them for stiffing her "I like eating cupcakes" party to attend Trump's function.

One of Nicollette Sheridan's male buddies got into an argument with a photographer. The photographer told the guy to keep his hands to himself if he didn't want to get hurt. I'd hate to see the bloody mess the paparazzi would've become had he been talking to Nicollette's fiance, Michael Bolton.


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