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Isaac Cohen, a Britney Spears chaser, bought seven pairs of panties. Maybe he's just using Britney so he doesn't have to see her giner in the papers anymore.

"Brit, move your hands, hon. We can't get a shot."

You can watch Kevin Federline's Super Bowl ad here. Pretty good. Now he can go away.

OMG! You can almost kinda see the start of Paris Hilton's ass crack in this picture!

"I think Nicole Richie's stuck between the cheeks!"

Ex-Miss Nevada is now current Miss Jet Las Vegas 2007 for Jet nightclub and partied until at least 4 am. Hooray. Now if she'd just take her top off and makeout with Celine Dion.

Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban had sushi together Monday night, meaning everything's cool.

Andy Dick tried to get in Kiefer Sutherland's limo the other night. Denied. Kiefer doesn't have a coke problem just yet, otherwise Andy might have succeeded.

Here's why I don't let myself be photographed naked next to a horse:

"That horse puts you to shame, Harry."


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