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Britney Spears checked into rehab for one day, got all better, added some tats and went bald. Let's see Anna Nicole's corpse top that!

At the tattoo parlor, Britney explained that she shaved her head because she was sick of people touching her. I thought she got confused where her vagina was, but this makes more sense.

"I'm the next Sinead, bitches!"

Without naming her, Justin Timberlake called out Britney Spears at the Brit Awards Wednesday night. "Everyone have a great night. Stop drinking! You know who you are. I'm speaking to you. You are going to get sloppy." The message didn't get through.

Sylvester Stallone couldn't have debuted his mullet at a better time. He's allegedly sporting the "do" in preparation for Rambo IV.

"It makes my eyebrows less offensive."

Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz were caught making "non-touching nice" at a hotel bar in Hollywood.

Will.I.Am from the Black Eyed Peas has made the mistake of thinking Michael Jackson will pay him after they're done working on Michael's new CD. If Michael ends up paying, I'm guessing it will be in the form of the love he shows a child: free rides!

The View says everything's cool and no one's going anywhere.

The inventor of the TV remote is dead. Think about that when you're oiling up your remote with Dorrito crumbs.


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