Hate Mail Part II

First off,
here's the phone call that prompted the angry Email. We were talking about the occupations that annoy the normal folk. Car salesmen, telemarketers, etc. were on some recent study of the most unethical jobs when a caller said Jehova's Witnesses should be added to the list.

I got another Email today.

Subject: you miss understood me
To: mattstooks@mattstooks.com

No I know what you meant. I was just saying maybe you should have said it different. Its over with so. I thought you could have slammed me better, but that's ok. You did get my one long sentence in there. Like my brother said this morning we just like to criticize people we do it to ever one we here on the radio. I don't hate you guys even though you it might have sounded like it. I was just saying you said something dumb. I guess this is my way of apologizing for miss understanding what you said.
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At 3:38 PM, December 13, 2005, Wolf Buddy said...

Stooks, it appears your main demographic of hate emailers is preschool - 3rd grade. Who is this guy and what does he do?



At 3:39 PM, December 13, 2005, Jahovah W. said...

Thanks for posting my site up here Wolf Buddy. If you have a minute, I would like to tell you a little bit about myself and my beliefs...

At 3:43 PM, December 13, 2005, Matt Stooks said...

Haha. Will no one spell "Jehovah" correctly? By the way, I got visions of Arnold saying "Who is your daddy and what does he do" a la "Kindergarten Cop" in my head.

At 8:56 PM, December 19, 2005, Anonymous said...

I enjoy your show stooks, but with out Justin there is a emptiness that I need every morning.

At 8:58 PM, December 19, 2005, yale said...

Stooks I love the show, but without Justin it's just not the same. I am still going to listen because you are "cool" but it's not as good as it once was.

At 8:05 AM, December 22, 2005, Anonymous said...

The free spirit lady is a whack job. This lady needs to be shipped back to larned and locked up permanently. Are her calls staged, I dont know anyone that could actually do the things she talks about in every off the wall call she makes to the show.


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