Yogurt...right in the face

Yogurt is pretty good. But, unlike my co-host, I refuse to eat more than one yogurt in a row.

GoGurt is a fun yogurt treat. As you can see, they cleverly use a see-through package for different games and light sabers and such.

"Now that I have my weapon, time to murder Jar Jar Binks...right in the face.

"Yogurt Chat with Chip Rimaldi." Today's guest is Yogurt Enthusiast Benji Homona.

Frightening news in today's Stooks Scoop about X-File's Scully and Maury Povich.

We also had a frank discussion on whether it's okay to judge people based on looks. Namely, if they look like serial killers.

Growing my stash into a goatee makes me more snuggable...like Richard Karn.

Today's Daily Quote of the Day for Today: "Every dog has his day. It's usually the one where he plants a loaf right on your new afghan." -The Stooks Proverb.

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At 10:52 AM, April 25, 2006, Monte Benskin said...

Great audio clips today man. You made me realize there is a lot more to Yogurt then I realized. I'm now wondering about the differences between the frozen kind and the normal stuff. Is cold the only difference?

At 10:54 AM, April 25, 2006, Dana Scully said...

Hey Jerk, I'm still hot and my name is Dana. check me out http://www.100megsfree.com/spooky42/scully/Pic03.jpg

At 12:02 PM, April 25, 2006, Matt Stooks said...

Dana, thanks for the first name update.

Good question, Monte. I think we'll have to ask Chip to discuss this on a future "Yogurt Chat with Chip Rimaldi."


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