Dumpster Diving and Dogs on the Phone

It's dumpster diving season in Manhattan.

We were talking about some of the questionable things people are willing to take home with them, when a woman calls in telling me to "stop smashing" people who dumpster dive. After she hangs up, a stoner calls in and insults her. That's where the segment stopped on the air.

But listeners didn't hear her call back in and unleash a slew of profanities about the stoner.
Here's the whole thing pieced together for your enjoyment. Definitely a classic. Too bad I couldn't get it edited quick enough to get on the air this morning.

Wow! There's a toaster, a pillow and a human jawbone in here! Jackpot!

Every boss I've had in radio says "one thought per break," so you don't confuse the listener. So we decided to have a break that went all over the place.

Here's a clip of a dog calling the show.

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At 10:38 AM, May 23, 2006, shua said...

As always Stooks, thanks for posting my call. i love hearing myself talk.


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