Stooksoscope for Thursday


You know there's some truth to the rumors, but you won't contribute to a friend's troubles. Congratulations! It's a fine line to walk, but if anyone can cross this tightrope like a champ, it's you. DUI Checkpoints are fun for the whole family!


A forgetful type spills the beans on a crucial aspect of your project. Now you’ll have to start over on your black bean Eiffel Tower.


Intellectual stimulation is like air to you -- without it, you can feel vital life functions shutting down. It's time to find adventure or let it find you. You better go find it, because everyone knows adventure has the sensory skills of Helen Keller.


You have an amazing sense of diplomacy, delicacy and sensitivity, which comes in handy when you're trying to talk with some touchy types. If anyone can manage to communicate with them, you can. And maybe John Edward. And Cleo.

Stooks Proverb: Experience is the best teacher. Although, some 12-year-olds would argue a point for Michael Jackson.

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