Stooksoscope for Friday

Are you eating because you're hungry, or are you noshing because it's a good way to distract yourself from what's really going on? Food should be appreciated, but it shouldn't be used as a way to avoid emotions. And when Mark Mangino and Louie Anderson get emotional in the same room, may God help anyone who stands in the way.

Some people think you're only about fun and games, but they simply don't realize that all your clowning has a much higher purpose: a big, Kelly Kapowski-sized zit on your nose.

You're more sensitive than usual right now, so keep to yourself. Reread an old favorite story, try to write something yourself, or poison the neighbor’s gerbils. So much for Fred getting pleasured this weekend.

Deal with an old emotional wound. Write it down. Talk to a friend. Afterward, find some physical way of releasing it. Suggestion: punch Brian Dennehy.

Stooks Proverb: Lucky in cards, unlucky in love. That’s why they have those cards with the dirty pictures on them.
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