Stooksoscope for Wednesday

An on-the-job big shot may not be quite the authority figure you were hoping for. Don't stamp your feet and air your grievances. Plot your revenge behind closed doors. Before you know it, your boss will be picking maggots and whipped cream out of their hair.

A fancy social event makes you somewhat uncomfortable. Be true to your nature and help someone else have a good time. Just make sure they quadruple bag it if you run into Paris Hilton.

It's a great time to finish up old projects or get some closure regarding certain long-standing issues. Put off initiating discussions or trying to get a new project off the ground. Concentrate on tying up loose ends. Remember, “Make two bunny ears. The bunny runs around the tree. The bunny jumps in a hole. Close it up tight!”

You have very firm ideas about how to do things, and they may not conform with what people think of as the norm. You know that the correct way doesn't always mean the accepted way. Keep up the good work. Julio will clean up the mess you made in the urinal.

Stooks Proverb: Never look a gift horse in the mouth. Gift horses are notorious for bad dental hygiene.
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