Stooksoscope for Thursday


Financial decisions are best put off until cooler heads can prevail. A big-ticket purchase isn't all it's cracked up to be, so wait before you put your money into Mark Mangino’s circulatory system.


Usually you're the definition of acceptance, but some celestial influences might release your inner critic. But be gentle when you let your loved one know that their Carrot Top impersonation gets No Stashes. Clean Shaven.


You can be a highly organized strategist when you need to be. You know just how to calculate the odds, especially when it's all for a good cause: The “Using George Hamilton’s Face to Make Catcher’s Mitts for the Homeless” Association.


Financial matters take precedence right now. Reexamine your budget and see if there are even more ways to save. Once you start, you'll actually enjoy this kind of activity. Everyone else will think you’re lame, though.

Stooks Proverb: Keep your eye on the ball, unless you're next to Lance Armstrong in the restroom. That could get you a punch in the face.

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