Stooksoscope for Tuesday


Voice your real needs and they'll be met in one way or another. Be honest and forthright about what you've kept concealed for far too long. Yup, just like a Ken Doll.


Your intuition is the most powerful tool at your disposal, but you need to use it to keep it sharp. Meditation, yoga and long walks are all great ways to make sure your inner voice comes through loud and clear. Unfortunately, your inner voice speaks Wookie. Get Han to translate.


A loved one ruminates on the patterns in their personal life, and this gives you some unexpected but welcome insight into your own. Now make sure you've really intuited this wisdom before you take action. No, “intuited” not “inTootieted.” Mrs. Garrett already has her hands full.


Why waste time arguing about whose way is the right way? Use the scientific method -- try both options and see which one brings about the best results. Yes, Velveeta is better at both making a cheese dip and at making a bottom dip.

Stooks Proverb: Love makes the world go round. Gravity schmavity.

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