Stooksoscope for Friday


Keep your chin up. Life-changing rewards are often the result of difficult effort. You may feel near the end of your rope, but keep the faith -- you've got much more room on the line than you would have believed…almost enough to make a lasso and hogtie your mother-in-law.


You know an exception when you see it. Tune into your inner knowledge and listen. “Normal” is just one cycle on the washing machine. “Permanent Press” makes for a much better ride at the laundromat.


You can't control the world, but you can control what goes on inside your own heart and mind. Resolve to be the best you can at all times and forgive yourself for everything else. Well forgiveness for everything but the time when you tipped over a homeless person’s shopping cart, pushed it up a hill, and then rode until you ran the homeless person right over.


Have some bureaucratic hurdles in your way? Check in with your network -- you've got inside sources that can tell you just how to negotiate your way around these obstacles. Friends in high places are key. Even your friends in low places can help out. Ned the toilet bowel cleaner can help with your embarrassing biscuits-and-gravy intolerance problem.

Stooks Proverb: Plan for the worst. Hope for the best. And follow through with your punch, as Bruce Vilanch is one tough woman to knock out.

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