Sad news

The Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin, died today. Discovery was filming Steve at the Greet Barrier Reef. He was swimming above a a group of stingrays. One of them lashed its poisonous tail up to protect itself and speared him in the heart. It's a very rare occurrence: 17 deaths in 10 years from stingrays.

Here's an interesting read about everything from his death through his career. Here's an excerpt:

"Our whole passion to be on this planet is to educate people about wildlife," he said in 1998. "I will die doing that. I have a gift."

I liked him. I thought he was a unique and compelling TV personality.

Now, back to people we really don't care for.

Tom Cruise apologized to Brooke Shields. Next, he'll reveal he only said the things he said because he was always jealous at Brooke for getting it on with Andre Agassi.

Here's an interesting stunt:

Paris Hilton’s album became the target of Banksy’s latest stunt. The British graffiti artist tampered with 500 copies of her album.

Banksy changed the album sleeves with a topless body and replaced the head with one belonging to a dog. The CDs were substituted by other 40-minute CDs consisting of a remix made by an artist, only giving his name as DM, but rumors suggest it could be Danger Mouse - one half of Gnarls Barkley.

The 500 “touched” albums came with a sticker on the cover, claiming that the album contains hits such as “Why am I Famous?” , “What Have I Done?” and “What Am I For?”

Ellen and her girlfriend, Portia De Rossi were hit by a drunk driver Friday afternoon. Both actresses are okay.

Katie Couric is just hours away from her debut with the CBS Evening News.

Paul McCartney and Heather Mills are having closed door discussions to settle their divorce. She could end up with more than $100 million.

starts tonight on FX. Here's an article about the new season.
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