Stooksoscope for Thursday

You've been ready for success -- and finally, success is ready for you. This is thrilling -- but also just the teensiest bit scary, because Bruce Villanch is the one fluffing success in the backroom so it’s ready for you when it comes out.

There's more to your life than meets the eye. Pay attention to dreams, symbols and coincidences. People who keep crossing your path are there for a reason: knife fight.

Your social interactions need a greater purpose. Seek out ways to benefit others. Emphasize altruism and consideration. De-emphasize whipped-cream-pie-to-the-face-ism.

What makes you fulfilled creatively can also help you make money. But you’ll need lots of penicillin and a close relationship with the fuzz.

Stooks Proverb: Faith can move mountains. It can barely nudge Mangino.
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