
Britney Spears is reading Brooke Shields' book on post partum depression. If that doesn't take, Brooke says she would meet with Britney. If that doesn't take, maybe they'll look at putting her down.

Angelina Jolie filed adoption papers in Vietnam as a single parent.

Anna Nicole's grave has become the number one tourist site in the Bahamas. They love the exposure. I wish every day could be Anna Nicole's funeral!

Slash went to Anna Nicole's funeral.

Donald Trump says Howard K. Stern is a "total loser."

The producers for the Simple Life rushed Nicole Richie to the hospital Friday for dehydration. They tricked her into eating some, too.

Elisabeth Hasselbeck says she and Rosie are friends, despite rumors stating otherwise.

Michael Jackson spent the weekend in Japan, shaking hands for $3500 a pop. Wet naps not included.

ABC is developing a sitcom based on the Geico caveman commercials.

One of Wolfgang Puck's employees may have given Hepatitis A to some of his catering clients. The health department says high profile people were possibly exposed. I just think it'd be funny if Paris caught Hepatitis A through eating.

It must suck being Jim Belushi's kid.

"I don't like mopeds anymore, daddy."


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