Who's Paris whoring out to?

Scoop podcast (6:29)

The New York Post says The Today Show is paying Paris Hilton $1 million for her first post-jail interview. Paris says that's not true. She can make that kind of cash working the back lot of whatever show she prefers.

Pauly Shore showed TMZ.com around his property, trying to disprove Wes Craven's claims that water runoff from Pauly's property wrecked his yard. It looks like Wes is full of it. It looks like Pauly is good with money management to even live in that neighborhood in the first place.

Scott Baio is world-famous for the way he tosses his massive goods to numerous women. Add a fling with Liza Minnelli from years ago to the list. Gross.

If you experience an erection longer than four hours, consult this picture.

Bob Barker says back off, he didn't endorse Rosie as the next Price Is Right host. He simply said she could be a good fit. Not for his old desk chair, for hosting duties.

David Hasselhoff wants an apology from "The Sun" for saying he was drunk off his ass the night he won custody of his kids. If he doesn't get an apology, he'll sue. If he loses the lawsuit, he will get drunk, shirtless, and eat a hamburger on the tabloid's office bathroom floor.

Isaiah Washington says he's out to clear his name, and find the real homophobe from Grey's Anatomy.

Verne Troyer gave Paul Pierce a lesson in tact, telling Paul his name is "Verne," not "Mini-Me." Nice try, Mini-Me. You're not fooling me.

Justin Timberlake wore Capri pants to T.G.I. Friday's.

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