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"Lost" Sticks it to America


If we were getting an extra three minutes of brilliant John Locke insights, I would understand.

But we're not.

When ABC runs Lost three minutes over the top of the hour, they're just stuffing three more minutes of commercials down our collective throat each episode. They do the same with Desperate Housewives.

Most people think it's a trick to keep you watching through Alias and Boston Legal, but it's not. It's a simple ploy to get more money out of these shows. A good way to make money is not necessarily good business practice.

But there's nothing we can do about it, because we keep on watching the shows. How come they don't slam Boston Legal three minutes into the local news? Because the affiliates would go crazy. Why don't the affiliates protect us?

It really messes with me and my fellow TiVo enthusiasts. I can't TiVo American Idol (insert comment questioning my sexual orientation here) without spending an extra ten minutes explaining to the little box why I would want to start a show three minutes late.

What's a person who refuses to watch commercials to do?

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