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Supersize Me!

First off, no one ever says "Supersize me!"

But every pre-packaged food item assumes "Downsize me!"

The Totino's Party Pizza says you can get two servings out of it at 380 calories apiece.


It's one serving, 760 calories. If you are splitting a Totino's between two people, you better have a hefty dessert prepared.

The food companies are trying to trick us on their food labels.

But for some reason, Altoids is going the opposite direction.

Altoids claims that a serving size is three Altoids. How do they come up with that number? Besides, many people can't stomach even one of the curiously strong mints.

If you're eating three Altoids at a time, there's something wrong with you. That's ten calories, by the way.

You are right on. It all goes along with America's facination to produce the most amount of junk while convincing all the people that they will never be pretty enough, skinny enough or smart enough to live a happy exsistance

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