Name that substance
Have you ever noticed some random substance on your car, and you have no idea where it came from or what exactly it is?
Take a look at the reddish substance on the door of my '98 Corolla. What is that?
Take a closer look.
Take a look at the reddish substance on the door of my '98 Corolla. What is that?
Take a closer look.
Gotta love the quality of camera-phones.
I'm close to licking the substance just to find out what it is. I'm thinking it's ketchup. But how did ketchup get on the rear passenger side door?
You have no idea how many sleepless nights are ahead of me.
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Posted by mistro | 12:12 PM, February 02, 2005
Mistro had a clever reply to this post, but it was far too blue for public consumption. I don't like to do this, but try to think before you post filth.
Posted by Matt Stooks | 3:22 PM, February 02, 2005
Perhaps it is the remnants of my Big and Tasty last weekend when you dropped me off at my parent's house? I was in the rear passenger side position that fateful day.
Posted by Wolf Buddy | 12:50 PM, February 04, 2005