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Proper cell phone etiquette?

I know someone who talks on their cell phone while they are in the can.

I'm not talking about an in-and-out visit, either. More like 20 minutes or so in there.

On the phone.

On the toilet.


If you're expecting a call, and answer the phone while you're in there, that's one thing. But this guy dials out on the phone, full knowing what he plans to do to the porcelain and the unsuspecting friend on the line. What happened to reading the bad jokes in Reader's Digest to keep your mind occupied?

How obscene.

If you want to keep yourself from going over on minutes on your cell plan, just pretend the person you're talking to is busy with their Chicken Enchilada Grilled Stuft Burrito from 45 minutes ago. You'll find many more anytime minutes at your disposal at the end of the month.

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