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Here you go. A Hurricane post.


Now I've fulfilled my legal obligation as a "blogger" to mention the hurricane.

Hope it's been eye-opening.

Okay, fine. One take: The News Networks should be in charge of FEMA. They were there before the thing even started.


Did you take down a post here by someone the other day? Although it wasnt exactly appropriate, nor was it funny, i am still a firm believer in one's right to express their opinion in an open forum, such as this. What are your thoughts on this? Do you regularly take down posts you do not agree with or find inappropriate?

I have taken down a total of three posts since I started this site. Ultimately, I'm responsible for the site and everything on it. I agree with allowing everyone to share their opinions. For example, you can tell me my show sucks, tell me I suck, or anything along those lines, and I won't remove it. But if a post contains something vulgar, racist, obscene, slanderous, or of commercial nature, I will likely remove it. That's what happened in this case. I hate removing posts, so I hope everyone uses a little more tact in the future.

You tell 'em Stooks.

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