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I'm a Cosmo Boy!

Nothing keeps my femininity in check like reading a Cosmo.

We were checking out their web page during the show, and stumbled on a tip that said men don't like women who make the first move.


I forecast a zero possibility of a guy turning down a girl who makes the first move. Well, at least as long as she doesn't resemble Mama Fratelli from The Goonies. And yes, I did have to IMDB that one.
Here's what our worldwide listening audience thought this morning.

You had to IMDB Ma Fratelli? Stooks, I'm a little disappointed with you. By the way, that's a great picture of her. I'd let her make the first move. There's something about a women with power...

I thought she was way better looking in Throw Mama From the Train . . . or maybe I am thinking about Danny Devito . . . or maybe I am thinking about Arnold Schwarzenegger . . . nope, I am definitely thinking of Alyssa Milano (that is a Commando reference for anyone that doesn't know)

I thought you were talking about Twins at first. Vincent (Devito) and Julius (Ahnold) were a dynamic duo.

actually i moved from Goonies to Throw Mama to Twins to Commando, so you are partially right.

This Kevin guy is annoying. Lay off the drugs buddy!

At least this "Kevin Guy" isn't afraid to post his name. Grow a pair buddy!

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