Why You Should Envy People With Herpes
My friend Chris (feel free to check out his interesting website if you like) pointed out that the commercials for Valtrex made it look like people with herpes have far cooler lives than the rest of us: they're hiking, riding horses through the river, getting/giving piggyback rides, chillin' out in a hammock, flying a kite, canoeing...and that's just one commercial.
This picture says enough.
This picture says enough.
We put it up for discussion on today's show. Enjoy.
What about the part of the commercial where the 2 herpes afflicted individuals decide it would be a fantastical idea to go for a little excursion on their bicycles. Yes, their bicycles. I, for one, find bicycle seats uncomfortable and I don't have herpes, that I know of. I don't think riding a bicycle with herpes in my nether regions would be very comfortable at all. Maybe the Valtrex just numbs your situation and you can't feel anything.
Posted by chris casey | 5:28 PM, October 05, 2005
Yeah, that banana seat could definately cause some additional uncomfortable inflamation. And I'm also doubting any of the herpes-afflicted are riding those crotch rockets you see flying around Manhattan at 10:43 every night.
Posted by Matt Stooks | 8:09 AM, October 06, 2005