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What about Nick the Leach?

Somebody had a camera and caught Jessica Simpson wasted. And apprently she wasn't wearing her wedding ring.

But we know for sure she's cheating. Look at the evidence below. She's doing the synchronized tongue wag with a be-jeans-jacketed co-ed.

Jess is wasted, and she hardly ever wears her ring. She is so much in love with Nick that she would never cheat on him, escpecially with a guy like that!

Like all other women, Jessica is a panty dropper as well. Just you wait till 98 Degrees takes off again Jess, then you'll regret it!

man what a stupied bitch i hope that she will want to go out with me some time

Trust me, nobody wants to touch that. I tapped that ass once and I'm still fighting off crabs the size of weiner dogs. That reminds me, I need to go apply some ointment.

You couldnt tap a keg McKowski...

wanna bet?

ask yo mama.

Ahh, the classic "yo mama" joke. Ted, seriously, you are really showing your true self by using this reference. At this point you are telling everyone that you have given up and could not think of a snappy comeback. Seriously, i love it when people use that joke because it makes them look like a fucking idiot and makes my job alot easier.

I'm going to go call my mom now and ask her if you can tap a keg...

ya, i agree, the mama jokes were funny back about ten years ago. Get some fresh material dude.

You bitches couldn't hang with half the poontang I've had. keep tryin' fags. you'll never be Mckowski.

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